Thursday, May 21, 2009

Waiting for the tour bus...

We signed up for one tour -- it went to Stonehenge, Lacock (a little village where we had lunch, and finally, to Bath (The Roman Baths!)

Here we are waiting for the tour bus. We were up and out of bed at 3am, downt the street waiting for the bus at 4am, dropped off to our stop at 4:25am and then had a short walk to the hotel, which was the pick up point for us.

It was cold! It was windy! And did I mention it was cold??!!!

We got to the hotel only to find the doors not unlocked yet. So we stood outside for about 20 minutes and then someone finally unlocked the doors, so we got to sit inside. Ahhhhhhhh, warmth...

Does my hubby look so cute wearing my scarf? ;)

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