Casing a card means you find a card you really like and you attempt to "copy" it using what supplies and stamps you have on hand. Although the finished card won't be an exact replica, you're using the original as a starting point of inspiration.
I was given a magazine called Card Maker and it's the January 2009 issue. On page 40, there is a pretty pink card titled "Birthday Hugs". I can't show you a scan due to their copywrite but if you can find it, it's really nice...
My card is almost the same..
Same color combo (pink, light and dark green and white)
Pretty close to the same stamped image (flowers on a branch & background writing)
Almost the same paper piercing -- but I didn't attempt to do the piercing on the scalloped strip...
And instead of the word "hug" on the little square, I stamped "loved"...
This is not a card I would have dreamed up on my own. I'm not a bunch of different sized layers and such. And I never seem to remember to do the paper piercing.