Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cherry, Cherry...

Love the song by Neil Diamond but today, it's cherries on cards...

Made this set of 12 for my mom to give to her friend, whom she will be visiting. The friend has her entire kitchen done in cherries and loves 'em. So, thought this would be a fun gift for mom to give her.

My mom will have the option if she wants any sayings or greetings on the front.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shuttle at Kennedy Space Center

My mom and a friend went over to see the shuttle (didn't go due to the weather) but they sure had a great time. As a thank you, made this for mom to send.

Breast Cancer awareness card

Time flies by when you're busy creating! I have been busy and I have been creating!! The mojo is flowing freely... I hope to post more asap.

Put together a card and when I get the ok, I'll make 19 more for a friend who is in the walk this year.

UPDATE: Got the other 19 done for a total of 20 for this set to my friend. Was an honor to make them for her.